Is a Nosebleed a Sign of COVID-19?
SARS-CoV-2 is the cause of COVID-19, which is a highly contagious respiratory illness. The most common symptoms are fever, cough, and fatigue, although symptoms vary from person to person. The development of potentially life-threatening illnesses is a risk for older adults who have preexisting health conditions. So, the question is “Is Nosebleed a Sign of COVID-19??”
In the process of gathering more data on the virus, researchers are discovering more and more symptoms. Researchers suspect COVID-19 may increase the risk of nosebleeds for those with the disease, but more research is needed to confirm that.
Taking a look at the latest research on nosebleeds and COVID-19, let’s see what’s been found. As well as looking at the more common symptoms of the virus, let’s take a look at some less common ones.
Can COVID-19 cause a bloody nose?
Nosebleeds or a bloody nose indicate Covid-19 infection, and are common and can be caused by a variety of factors. The tissues in your nose are susceptible to injury and drying out, which can lead to nosebleeds. There are a number of possible reasons for this, including:
Picking your nose
Nose obstructions caused by foreign objects
Inflammation caused by chemicals
Atopic dermatitis
Air that is cold
Acute respiratory infection
Angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 (ACE-2) has been identified as the receptor through which the virus that causes COVID-19 enters cells. ACE-2 is found in many parts of your body, including the cells lining your:
The respiratory system
Sacred Heart
Vessels of blood
Renal system
Tract of the digestive system
ACE-2 is found in the highest concentration in the tissues lining your nose among all parts of your respiratory tract. Several studies suggest that the SARS-CoV-2 virus may cause inflammation in the nose, potentially increasing your risk of developing a nosebleed.
Researchers have found that people with COVID-19 suffer from nosebleeds more often than those without COVID-19, but additional research is needed to confirm these findings.
Studies findings
During an August 2020 study, researchers evaluated the likelihood of Coronavirus infection among individuals visiting a hospital complaining of nosebleeds. COVID-19 nasal swabs were administered to each patient upon arrival at the hospital.
A total of 40 people were tested for Coronavirus, of whom 15% tested positive. Twenty-five percent of people without nosebleeds in a control group screened positive for the virus. It was determined that there was a statistically significant difference between the two groups.
In conclusion, researchers concluded that nosebleeds might be a symptom of Coronavirus infection, but more studies are needed to confirm that conclusion.
The prevalence of nosebleeds in people with COVID-19 has also been found in several other small studies:
According to a study published in August 2020, 11 percent of people with COVID-19 experienced nosebleeds.
Thirty percent (6 people) of a group of 20 people with COVID-19 who were assessed by an ear, nose, and throat specialist in July 2020 had nosebleeds, according to a study published in July 2020.
Upon receiving oxygen, a nosebleed occurs
It is possible that people with COVID-19 receiving oxygen are more likely to develop nosebleeds because of increased nose dryness and tissue injury from the cannula.
Researchers examined the frequency of nosebleeds in 104 patients admitted to a hospital with confirmed COVID-19 in one case study.
In 30 instances, nosebleeds were reported by the participants, and the researchers attributed the high rate to oxygen use. The study concluded that people taking blood-thinning drugs and oxygen are more likely to suffer from nosebleeds.
Following nasal swabs, there are nosebleeds
The development of a nosebleed may occur after undergoing a nasal swab for COVID-19, although it is fairly rare. Usually, COVID-19 nosebleeds do not cause serious problems. There may be occasions when you need medical attention.
The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are in the nose
The majority (85.6 percent) of people with mild or moderate COVID-19 reported changes in their ability to smell in a study that examined nasal symptoms in a group of 417 people.
Three hundred and fifty-seven people were in this group:
A loss of smell was reported by 79.6 percent of respondents
There was a reduction in smell ability reported by 20.4 percent
12.6 percent of respondents experienced phantosmia, which is the sensation of smelling something that isn’t there
There was a distortion of smell in 32.4% of the cases
A study of 1,773 people with COVID-19 found that 4.1 percent reported nasal congestion. There were 2.1 percent of people who reported a runny nose.
The symptoms of COVID-19 are as follows:
According to the World Health Organization, COVID-19 symptoms include:
The flu
Coughing with dryness
Feeling fatigued
However, it is still common to report symptoms like:
Pain and aches
The diarrheal disease
Soreness in the throat
Acute headache
Experience loss of smell or taste
An eye condition called pinkeye
Discolored or rashy fingers or toes
Choosing the right time to see a doctor
If you suspect that you have COVID-19, you should isolate yourself from others for ten days. If your symptoms are mild, you can treat them at home. It is a wise idea to avoid public transportation and other crowded areas. You should make your home’s bathroom separate from other people’s bathrooms if possible.
As a precaution, don’t visit a doctor in person if you have mild symptoms. It’s advisable to call your doctor ahead if you need to see one. It is becoming more and more common for clinics to accept appointments over the phone or online.
Contact 911 if you suspect you have COVID-19 and tell the dispatcher you are experiencing these symptoms:
Having trouble breathing
Continuous chest pain
Confusion in the air
Having difficulty waking up or staying awake
Skin, lips, or nails are pale gray or blue
Any other symptoms that are concerning
Nosebleeds are more common in people with COVID-19. It will be necessary to conduct further research in order to discover how this correlation works. This research could potentially lead to new preventive measures for Covid. It could also provide insights into how to prevent certain conditions.
Fever, cough, and tiredness are the most common symptoms of COVID-19. In cases of breathing difficulty or persistent chest pain, it is imperative to seek medical attention right away. Other less common symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and loss of taste or smell. It is important to stay aware of any changes in your health and contact your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms.
Finally, the results could be used to inform public health policies. The use of oxygen cannulas can cause nasal dryness and scratching, which can lead to nosebleeds in people with COVID-19.