Difference between heart attack and cardiac arrest

The difference between heart attack and cardiac arrest

It is critical to know the difference between a Heart Attack and a Cardiac Arrest, so you know what to do: 

Heart Attack

When a blockage in a blood vessel causes the heart to be starved of oxygenated blood, it causes a heart attack. An attack of heart attack results from a severe reduction or blockage of blood supply to the heart. The arteries of the heart (coronary) often become blocked because of fat, cholesterol, and other substances that build up there. Those deposits are called plaques since they contain fat and cholesterol. Known as atherosclerosis, plaque buildup occurs as a result of cholesterol buildup.

Heart Attack: Symptoms, Warning Signs, and Treatments - Apollo Hospital

A heart attack is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Tingling in the arms

  • Indigestion that is not being helped by medication

  • Chest pain

  • Ashen, clammy skin

There are a number of actions you can take, including:

  • Make a call for assistance

  • Ask the person to remain calm and sit down with them

  • If you are experiencing an emergency, call 999.

  • Clothing that is too tight should be loosened

  • Provide them with aspirin (in accordance with local policy and medical advice).

Cardiac Arrest

It is the sudden cessation of the heartbeat that causes cardiac arrest, also known as sudden cardiac death. A person who does not receive immediate medical treatment may lose consciousness, become disabled, or die because of a lack of blood flow to the brain and other organs. Call 911 immediately if you suspect your loved one is suffering from cardiac arrest.

Generally speaking, cardiac arrest occurs after a heart attack since the heart is no longer able to pump blood effectively. It causes an unnatural (and ineffective) rhythm when the heart has trouble pumping blood to the organs.

cardiac arrest, cardiac arrest meaning, what is cardiac arrest, cardiac arrest symptoms, cardiac arrest vs heart attack.

A cardiac arrest can be detected by the following signs:

  • Bleeding lips or face

  • An irregular pulse, quick pulse, or weak pulse

  • Despite the voice, there is no reaction

  • Excessive sweating

In the event of a cardiac arrest, you should start CPR, which we will look at in the next few chapters.

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