Mental Health Awareness

Mental health challenges are common among adults in the United Kingdom, for example, and ten out of forty of them experience them at some point in their lives. Also, 10 in 60 people report experiencing a common mental health problem like depression and anxiety every week in England. However, being informed about Mental Health Awareness is very essential.

The term mental health can be used both positively and negatively to describe a state of one’s psychological well-being, for example when talking about mental health problems or conditions. There are multiple types of mental health disorders and they can co-exist with other types of mental health disorders.

A person’s diagnosis may change several times during their life. Some complex conditions are measured by how many people will be given a specific diagnosis over the course of any given year or lifetime.

Mental health illness varies with mixed reactions

  • Mixed anxiety and depression are defined as what we humans go through when we are worried, afraid, or tense about things that are about to happen. This is similar to what we think could happen in the future. This disease affects 80 out of every 1000 people. Anxiety is a natural human reaction when we feel threatened. Most of us feel anxious during times of high stress or when we are dealing with major changes in our lives.

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder-PTSD: is a mental health problem that may develop after experiencing deeply disturbing events. It is likely to affect 40 in every 1000 people. PTSD was first recognized among war veterans in the past, and the condition had various names in the past.

  • Obsessive-compulsory disorder – OCD: is the least common mental health disorder. It is believed to affect 10 out of 1000 people. It has two main components, namely;

  1. Obsessions: These are unwanted thoughts, urges, images, worries, or doubts that continuously appear in our minds. They can make one feel very anxious. Unlike anxiety, it can probably be described as mental discomfort.

  2. Compulsions are simply actions you perform continuously to cope with the anxiety caused by an obsession. Perhaps you find yourself repeatedly checking whether a door is locked, repeating a particular group of words in your head, or feeling your body constantly.

  • The term depression is simply defined as a low-key mood that lasts for a long time. This feeling affects our everyday lives. The disease is said to affect 3 in every 100 people. Depression does not stop you from living your normal life but it makes almost everything seem very challenging and less worthwhile. Most times it can be life-threatening because it can make you feel like you want to end your life.

Mental health disorders are more prevalent around the world than we know. In many cases, people cope with them on a daily basis without sharing or telling others. This is because they are afraid of being stigmatized for having mental health issues.

Also, note that it is paramount that you seek help and support as soon as you notice any of the above-mentioned mental health disorder symptoms.

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