How to get a bigger ass with these 7 exercises

Tips and Exercises for Building a Bigger and Firmer Butt


You have the largest muscle group in your body on your backside – your glutes. There are actually three separate muscles in your gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus, which are known for their strength and power. You will have the tips and guide on How to get a bigger ass with these 7 exercises listed below.

As well as being essential for walking, sitting, running, and jumping, these muscles are also regarded for their curvy shape. While glutes may have a variety of shapes and tones, like most body parts, they can also vary in size. When it comes to glutes, there are ways to increase the size of these muscles if they’re not as bulky as you’d like.

19 Best Exercises For a Bigger Butt | POPSUGAR Fitness

Now that we know how to get a thicker, firmer booty, let’s talk about how to kick your rear into gear.

How to get a bigger butt with these 7 exercises

Are you ready to add some mass to your backside? Exercises for butt-boosting can be included in a lower-body or full-body routine at least twice a week, or you can do them in one workout.

You should start by doing one set of each exercise at a time. It is possible to work up to two or three sets of each exercise as the exercises become easier to perform.

1. Jumping squats

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As you do this plyometric exercise, your heart rate will increase and your glutes, hips, quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves will be strengthened.

Consult a physical therapist before trying jump squats if you have any injuries to your knees, ankles, or hips or if you have balance issues.

Follow these steps to perform this exercise:

    1. Put your hands at your sides while standing in a squat position with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

    2. The thighs should be parallel to the knees when you are lowering your body. During squatting, extend your arms out in front of you, palms facing each other.

    3. Take your feet off the ground and propel them up. It is recommended that you raise your feet at least three inches off the ground. Keeping your arms extended can help with momentum.

    4. Reverse the movement by squatting down again with both knees bent.

    5. Ten to fifteen repetitions should be completed in three sets.

2. Glute bridge

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Beginners will benefit from the glute bridge because it isolates and strengthens glute exercises as well as hamstring and core exercises. It also improves hip stability.

Follow these steps to perform this exercise:

  1. Put your feet on the floor and lie on your back with your knees bent. You should place your arms at your sides with your palms facing downward.

  2. You will need to contract your abdominals and glutes, press your feet into the floor, and lift your hips off the ground. You should maintain a straight line from your shoulders to your knees across your body.

  3. Slowly lower to the starting position after pausing at the top for 5 seconds.

  4. Three sets of 15 repetitions should be completed.

3. Single-leg deadlift

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Single-leg deadlifts target the glutes and hamstrings and are intermediate to advanced moves. As well as challenging your balance, it also challenges the stability of your core.

Follow these steps to perform this exercise:

  1. Two dumbbells should be held in each hand. Lie on your back with your hands over your thighs.

  2. As you stand, bend your knees slightly while your weight is on your right side. Make sure you engage the muscles in your core.

  3. Swing your hips as you begin the move. During hinges, the weights should drop down in front of you, palms facing each other. The right foot will stay planted on the floor as your left leg extends straight back and your torso lowers toward the ground.

  4. When you are balanced, hinge your left leg so that it is parallel to the floor or as close to parallel as possible.

  5. Bring your leg back to its starting position by lowering it slowly.

  6. Each leg should be performed three times with 15 repetitions.


4. Donkey kicks

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No other exercise targets your glutes as effectively as donkey kicks. Your rear end will be targeted and firmed by these moves because they involve all three glute muscles.

Follow these steps to perform this exercise:

  1. The first thing you should do is get on all fours. Put your hands on the floor under your shoulders and keep your spine neutral with your knees hip-width apart.

  2. Hold your core steady as you lift your right leg off the ground, bend your right knee and place your foot flat on the ground.

  3. Put your heel toward the ceiling using your glute muscles. When you reach the top, pause and squeeze. Maintain a grounded posture by keeping your pelvis and hips pointed downward.

  4. Put yourself back in the starting position.

  5. Three sets of 15 reps on each leg should be completed.


5. Clamshell

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Clamshell exercises target the deep glute muscles (gluteus medius and minimus), often overlooked in squats and deadlifts. You can balance your lower body, prevent lower back pain, and stabilize your pelvis with these muscles, which are smaller than the gluteus maximus.

Follow these steps to perform this exercise:

  1. As you lie on your left side with your legs stacked, your head resting on your left arm. On the other side, clasp your right hand around your hip. Put your eyes closed and put your hands on your hips.

  2. Bring your knees to 90 degrees and bend your hips 90 degrees. In order for your feet to be in line with your buttocks, they should be parallel to the floor.

  3. You should bring your right knee as high as you can while keeping your feet together and engaging your core. Make sure that your left knee is in contact with the floor and that your hips are stacked. Keep your hips from rotating backward.

  4. Slowly lower the apparatus to the starting position after holding it at the top for a few seconds.

  5. Repeat on the other side after completing 3 sets of 15 repetitions.


6. Walking lunge with weights

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Exercises like walking lunges will help you strengthen and tone your glutes, as well as improve your balance and target your quadriceps.

You should consult a physical therapist before trying this move if you have any knee, ankle, or hip problems.

Follow these steps to perform this exercise:

  1. While holding a dumbbell in each hand, bend your elbows and keep your arms at your sides.

  2. Standing about hip distance apart, place your hands on your hips. You should step forward with your left foot about two feet.

  3. Make your left knee parallel to the floor by bending it toward the ground. In this position, you are performing a forward lunge.

  4. Put your hands in this position and hold them for a few seconds.

  5. Next, take a step forward with your back leg (right leg) and repeat the lunge leading motion.

  6. You should repeat this walking lunge pattern 20 times (10 repetitions per leg), alternating legs each time.

  7. Two sets of 20 repetitions should be completed.


7. Banded side step

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Your glutes and hip muscles are targeted by the banded side step exercise. When you combine banded side steps with another lower body exercise, such as squats or lunges, you will feel a deep burn in the glutes.

If you are just starting out, you may want to place the resistance band just below your knees. In order to get a better workout, you can lower the band toward your ankles as you get more comfortable.

Follow these steps to perform this exercise:

  1. Standing shoulder-width apart, place your feet on the ground.

  2. You can place a resistance band around your ankles or below your knees as a form of resistance. As you work on your glutes and legs, you may feel resistance on the outside.

  3. You should lower your booty approximately a quarter of the way by bending your knees.

  4. Allow the tension in the band to loosen by stepping to the right with your right foot, then return to the center. Repeat the process.

  5. Then complete 10 side steps on the left side before repeating the steps on the right side. There should be three repetitions of each side.

Weight training is a wise idea

You can increase the intensity of the exercise and move beyond a plateau by adding weight, such as ankle weights for donkey kicks or dumbbells for lunges. In addition to making exercises more effective, weights can make them more challenging.

Among the different ways to add weight to an exercise are barbells with plates, dumbbells, resistance bands, kettlebells, medicine balls, and many others. Consider consulting a personal trainer or physical therapist if you want to know where to begin and how to add weight to glute exercises for larger glutes.

Booty shapewear for a curvier figure

It may take some time for your butt to shape and tone up as a result of targeted exercises, so expect to see results in a few months.

You should wear shapewear immediately if you wish to have a rounder, more prominent bum. With the help of shapewear, you can enhance your curves and make your butt look more defined by lifting and enhancing what you already have.

A shapewear undergarment usually consists of a removable butt lifting pad. Furthermore, they contain strong, stretchy, smooth materials such as spandex that lift and fill your derriere.

On Amazon, you can find a variety of shapewear options, including:

Enhancements to the butt 

People who want to add volume, shape, and curves to their rear ends turn to butt lifts and implants if shapewear and glute exercises aren’t enough. This is an elective cosmetic procedure, so insurance usually won’t cover it.

It involves the placement of a silicone implant in the buttocks by a doctor as part of a procedure known as gluteal augmentation.

Butt lifts and injectable implants are much less invasive, require less downtime, and are less risky than butt implants. Backside filling and shaping is achieved by injecting cosmetic fillers or fat transfer into the desired areas; here, the buttocks are involved.

In a nutshell

There are many types and sizes of rear ends, as with most body parts. The size and curvature of some individuals are naturally more pronounced than others.

In the case of the smaller backside on your hips and thighs, there are methods you can use to make it look bigger or more shapely. In case you’re looking for immediate results, shapewear can help lift your bum in no time. Cosmetic procedures such as butt implants or lifts provide a more permanent, but more expensive, solution.

There are many types of exercises and workouts that can also enhance your booty’s size, shape, and firmness. You will see results over time, but patience is all you need. Ask a certified personal trainer what exercises will help you shape and firm your butt if you’re not sure what to do.

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