NAUS Keeps To Necessary Interventions, Visits, And Making Consistent Impacts

In the bid to ensure that no stone is left unturned just before getting formally inaugurated into office, The leadership of the National Association of University Students, NAUS, Osun Axis, led by Comr, Eruobami Ayobami made Friday, 4th of February another day of remarkable visitations and pay of homage to necessary offices of authority.


The day was opened with a courtesy visit to the Chief Security Officer of the Obafemi Awolowo University, OAU, where they members of the executive were warmly welcomed by the office of the CSO, and after which the new administration was fatherly implored to see the task given to each member of the executive as a service to humanity. The CSO, Mr. B. Oyatokun, promised his maximum support for the new administration.

The leadership furthered by paying a visit to an OAU Students who was recently involved in a fatal accident which demanded surgery at the OAU Teaching Hospital, Ile-ife. The association felt disheartened by the students’ state of health and has therefore deemed it fit to render a financial support as a show of solidarity.

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Not calling it a day yet, the executives proceeded to the office of the Commissioner of Police in Osogbo. They were warmly received and given utmost audience.

In the course of conversations, insights were given by the Chairman, Eruobami on the series of security challenges being faced by the Students in the state which beg for immediate intervention. And in response to this, the Commissioner of Police in person of Mr. Olokode Olawale gave an assurance that prompt steps would be taken where necessary and also pledge his unflinching support for the new administration towards ensuring the welfarism of the University students in the state.

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