Self-harm Myths: What It Isn’t
It is common for negative stereotypes about people who self-harm to be propagated through myths about self-harm. Imperatively you need to be aware of Self-harm Myths and risk Factors. Healthcare professionals have a duty to challenge these negative stereotypes and address them with scientific facts if they are to succeed.
People who self-harm often believe the following myths:
A person who self-harms is seeking attention
This is perhaps the most common stereotype you’ll hear, but it’s not true. It is common for self-harmers to hide their experiences for a long time before they seek help. Self-harmers often have difficulty asking for help because it is so difficult to reach out.
Self-harm is primarily committed by teenage girls
Self-harm is more likely to occur in women and girls, but it can happen to anyone regardless of their gender, age, or background.
A sadist is someone who self-harms for the enjoyment of it / People who self-harm for the enjoyment of it
The perception of pain by people who self-harm is not different from that of the general public. There can be significant consequences to self-harm, including severe pain and physical damage. People who self-harm may consider this pain to be punishment, while others may view it as an attempt to feel strong emotions when they are normally numb.
Self-harmers are suicidal
Attempts at suicide or suicidal thoughts are not exclusively associated with self-harm. When we experience distressing emotions or circumstances, we often turn to this form of coping. It is imperative to note, however, that people who self-harm may feel depressed and may attempt to end their own lives. Taking suicidal thoughts or intent seriously should always be taken into consideration when someone who self-harm communicates with them.
Risk factors for self-harm
Several risk factors may increase the likelihood of someone self-harming. There are minority groups and social groups more at risk for self-harm than others based on adverse experiences and social circumstances, regardless of gender, age, and background.
In the following countries, self-harm rates are higher:
Although men and boys commit suicide at higher rates, women and girls also commit suicide.
Seekers of asylum
Veterans and members of the armed forces
Those who have lost a loved one to suicide
Minority groups from some cultures
Individuals who belong to a sexual minority
Those living in urban areas that are underserved
Addicts suffer from substance abuse
Those suffering from anxiety or depression are most likely to engage in self-harm. However, adults without depression and anxiety are also affected.
As a child, someone who has been physically abused, emotionally abused or sexually abused
Triggers of self-harm
A person’s specific circumstances, experiences, and context are likely to trigger them to self-harm. If you listen carefully to a person’s triggers for self-harm, you may be able to support them in a more targeted manner to address these triggers. The Scottish Executive’s Choose Life suicide prevention strategy (2002, Scottish Executive) cites several common triggers for self-harm, including:
Traumatic events, such as abuse or bullying, can lead to trauma
Conflict within the family
Splitting up with your parents
The loneliness of living alone
Breakups in relationships
Isolation from social networks
Suffering from homelessness
Loss of employment or an inability to find a new job
Illness of the mind/psychiatric disorders
Having financial difficulties
Problems in the legal system
A discriminatory practice
What are the reasons people self-harm?
People who self-harm have many reasons for doing so. There are many reasons why someone might self-harm, and their reasons might change over time. The following reasons may motivate people to self-harm:
Managing emotions like anger and sadness when they are difficult and distressing
They tend to feel guilty about the wrongdoings they believe they have committed
Someone else should be informed of how they feel
Emotionally express negative feelings
Get away from feelings or emotions by distracting themselves
Take steps to address the feelings of numbness that can accompany mental health issues such as depression.