
The food we eat and drink are an important part of keeping well; a well-balanced and healthy diet supplies the body with the nutrients and strength. It needs to function perfectly and battle off needless illnesses like colds and infections. Proper nutrition can also reduce the risk of formulating poor health conditions, for example, diabetes or poor heart disease.

Nonchalant practice in respect to nutrition and hydration can lead to serious danger, and even death.

Care workers can play a major role in helping people to eat well. This help can be through shopping for and supporting to prepare food, encouraging healthier choices and/or helping or encouraging people to eat and drink.





There are interests that the typical diets of adults in the UK for example can contribute to health challenges. And the most common interests for adults are:


  • Consuming diets that does not have sufficient nutrients within the diet. And by not eating sufficient fiber or by consuming too few fruits and vegetables (this is simply termed as undernutrition or malnutrition)
  • Consuming too many fatty, sugary, salty foods. Also foods that has preservatives in them.
  • Anemia because to too little iron and low consumption of other essential nutrients
  • Having fat or obese

Due to the low income of most individuals they become more at risk of having a poorer standard diet and are most likely to be fat or obese. Being fat acts a major role in augmenting the risk of some diseases like

  • Heart disease and blood pressure,
  • Joint issues and arthritis,
  • Inhaling and exhaling problems
  • Cancer, and
  • Type 2 diabetes.

Although, aged people, especially those with health issues and living in Medicaid contracted facility, are at bigger risk of being underweight and undernourished.




The human body is made up of the average of 70% water. Hence it is important that we drink enough of water to keep our bodies in good working shape.

Our blood is generated by liquids, and it is very essential that it keeps our hearts pumping, and our brains functioning properly.

Sweating is also very important because it allows and keep our body temperature normal, and helps us excrete waste in urine through our kidneys and bladder.


People who are not consuming enough water are at high risk of recurring infections, uncertainty or falling over.


Generally, the average adult will need between 1.5 to 2 liters of liquids on daily basis. This is equal to or about 6-8 mugs of water.

Drinking water is the best way to hydrate the body. Drinking tea, coffee and fruit juices also counts towards someone’s liquid intake, but should be inebriated in avoidance of extreme. Liquid specifications can be differ from person to person, and it is essential you follow a person patients’ care plan as to the liquids they require in each day. It is very essential to note that when a person is actualized as ‘nil by mouth’ (most often such case before a test or a required process), they are not supposed to drink or eat anything.

To Check your Knowledge:

Is it True or False that – People that are fat or obese can still be undernourished if they are not eating enough healthy food

The right answer to that is true

Because being undernourished is when people are not getting enough of the appropriate nutrients within the diet. Take For example someone that eats regular snacks and meals, but they consume very few fruit and vegetables. This is could also be still undernourished. All we need is to eat nutritious food no matter our weight.

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