Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia Nervosa : What is it?

Frequently associated with binges and purges, a lack of control, and a preoccupation with one’s weight and appearance, Bulimia Nervosa is also referred to as Bulimia for short. The prevalence of Bulimia is much higher in girls, and women who suffer from Bulimia are often also depressed. Before puberty, it is rare.

The weight and shape of your body are probably quite precious to you if you have bulimia. Your self-perceived flaws may cause you to judge yourself harshly and severely. Bulimia is challenging to overcome because it deals with self-image, not just food. It is possible to improve your self-esteem, adopt a healthier eating pattern, and reverse serious complications through effective treatment.

Bulimia sufferers are usually of normal weight.

Watch the video below to learn more about Bulimia Nervosa from Dr. Kimberly Williams. She is a clinical psychologist. In addition, she discusses how the illness might affect those who are affected by it.

Video courtesy of Howcast.

Symptoms and signs

Someone with Bulimia Nervosa may experience a variety of signs and symptoms. Among them are:

  • During an episode of overeating, a large quantity of food is consumed rapidly (a binge). An individual suffering from a disorder such as this often feels unable to stop eating or control the amount of food they consume.

  • As a result of overeating, people engage in ‘compensatory’ behavior in order to prevent weight gain. There are a number of behaviors that may contribute to this condition, including induced vomiting, the misuse of laxatives, diuretics, appetite suppressants, enemas, fasting, or excessive exercise. The term “purge” is sometimes used to describe these types of events.

  • An extreme fear of fatness with a disturbed body image

  • Weight and body shape have a powerful influence on body image and self-esteem

Supporting a loved one with bulimia symptoms

Discuss your concerns openly and honestly with your loved one if you suspect they may suffer from bulimia. A person cannot be forced to seek professional help, but he or she can be encouraged and supported. In addition, you can assist them in finding a qualified doctor or mental health professional, making an appointment, and even accompanying them.

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