Mental Health at Workplace

What Can You Expect From Your Employer?

Mental health issues must be taken seriously by employers if employees have them. Asking employees what support they may need at work is a helpful idea, for example. In addition, employers have a duty of care. Considering the Mental Health at Workplace they must do all they can to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of their employees. The following are included:

  • Maintaining a safe working environment

  • Discrimination protection for employees

  • Assessment of risks

Mental health disorders may be considered disabilities under the law (Equality Act 2010) if all the following conditions are met:

  • An employee’s life is significantly adversely affected (for example, they are unable to focus on a task, or it takes them longer to complete it).

  • The project is expected to last at least 12 months

  • It interferes with their normal day-to-day activities (such as interacting with people, following instructions, or keeping set schedules).

Mental health issues can be considered disabilities even if they don’t manifest continuously, or if they are less severe at certain times.

Disabled employees should be treated as follows by employers:

  • Disability must not be used as an excuse to discriminate against them

  • Reasonable adjustments should be considered

What are Reasonable Adjustments? | AbilityNet

How do you define a reasonable adjustment?

In terms of a ‘reasonable adjustment,’ it means removing or reducing the effects of:

  • Disability benefits that employees receive so they can continue to work

  • Disabilities of job applicants

Also read; Mental Health Awareness

There are a number of reasonable adjustments that can be made, including:

  • Working environment

  • How things are done

  • Hire someone to assist the employee or applicant

To improve how you function at work, for example, make your employer aware of your mental health issues.

  • The start and end times of your shifts may be able to be adjusted

  • In order to ensure your mental health and general safety, your employer may conduct a risk assessment

  • There is a possibility that you can change your current role

Your health practitioner may be able to provide support or schedule an appointment with you.

Establishing a supportive environment:

Employees feel more comfortable talking about mental health when employers create an open environment.

What Works: Safe and Supportive School Environments | DASH | CDC

The following are examples:

  • Consider mental and physical health equally

  • Employees should have regular one-on-ones with their managers to discuss any problems they may be experiencing

  • Positive mental health can be promoted by offering mental health awareness training, and workshops, and appointing mental health ‘champions’.

Your employer can meet with you on a regular basis if you need to take time off work due to a mental health issue. This will assist you in your recovery and allow you to plan your return to work. It is now appropriate to discuss the options for returning to work, such as:

  • Reduce your anxiety and stress about returning to work by working differently.

  • Regularly take breaks and make them more frequent

  • Get back to your usual daily routine by gradually returning to work

  • Contact your organization’s Mental Health Champion or Occupational Health Department for help and support.

  • Regularly check in with your employer or line manager to see how you are feeling and if the reasonable adjustments are helping.

Employers should have a procedure in place for when someone returns to work after an absence. If you are unsure about your workplace’s absence policy, you can look it up online.


  • At least 8 out of 100 people experience mental health issues at some point in their lives.

  • People may experience more than one mental health issue at the same time.

  • A clear understanding of Mental Health conditions will help you manage your own or someone else’s Mental Health disorder in a timely manner. This will improve the likelihood of a speedy recovery.

  • People can be affected by mental health crises in many different ways. In order to reduce the risk of escalation, mental health disorders must be treated with the same urgency as physical health conditions.

  • If you are experiencing a mental health disorder, your employer is legally required to provide you with help and support. Find out how your organization supports individuals with mental health concerns by reviewing its sickness/absence policy.

  • In the event that you or someone you know is suffering from a Mental Health Issue, please seek help as soon as possible.

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